Jumat, 06 September 2024 10:50

Dr. Finbarr Horgan shared about Plant Protection and Regenerative Agriculture

Dr. Finbarr G. Horgan made a significant journey from Ireland to Padang, Indonesia, to contribute his valuable expertise at the 3rd ASIC Conference on 5 September 2024. His insights on regenerative agriculture, with a focus on crop protection and environmental issues, captivated the participants. During his presentation, Dr. Horgan highlighted the profound effects of pesticides on pest populations and outlined essential steps for policymakers to address these challenges effectively.

Currently, Dr. Horgan serves as a Technical Specialist for Pest and Pesticide Management at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, Rome, Italy) and Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (CPSP, Edinburgh, UK).

His presence was at the special invitation of the Head of the Plant Protection Master Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Unand, hoping to collaborate more closely in the future to encourage innovative solutions in plant protection.

Dr. Finbarr G. Horgan bertolak dari Ireland ke Padang, Indonesia, untuk membagikan pemahamanny di Konferensi ASIC ke-3 pada tanggal 5 September 2024 yang diselenggarakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Andalas. Wawasannya tentang pertanian regeneratif, dengan fokus pada perlindungan tanaman dan isu lingkungan, telah memikat para peserta. Dr. Horgan menyoroti dampak pestisida terhadap hama dan menguraikan langkah-langkah penting bagi para pembuat kebijakan untuk mengatasi tantangan ini secara efektif.

Saat ini, Dr. Horgan bertugas sebagai Technical Specialist for Pest and Pesticide Management at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, Rome, Italy) and Centre for Pesticide Suicide Prevention at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK (CPSP, Edinburgh, UK)

Kehadirannya atas undangan khusus dari ketua Prodi Proteksi Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Unand, berharap  dapat berkolaborasi yang lebih erat di masa mendatang untuk mendorong solusi inovatif dalam perlindungan tanaman.
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